Hypnotherapy works by sifting through the negative conscious mind and bypassing the critical messages it sends out. Through this method, you will feel peaceful and calm. Old patterns, habits and behaviours can be shifted once the root of the source has been uncovered. This allows for positive suggestions and new patterns of behaviours to be implemented into the clients’ life. Using carefully developed scripts, Hypnotherapy may allow for emotional, spiritual, behavioural and attitudinal changes to take place.
Combining Psychodynamic and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Sanlyn Wellness uses this technique to gently guide the client to deal with the past, so that life can be fully lived in the present. Hypnotherapy is a much shorter term process than other psychological therapies and often beneficial changes are seen within a few weeks.
Having over 10 years of Therapeutic Hypnosis experience in Toronto, Sanlyn Wellness has discovered that it takes the therapist and the willingness of the client to make the process more successful. Having Therapeutic Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy performed on you by a helicopter pilot illustrated the wrong approach to healing using this modality.
Hypnosis is usually fairly short-term therapy and results can sometimes be seen within a few sessions. It is a technique to help clients reach an attentive level. It is a focused state that allows access to your subconscious mind through suggestion. A client moves through this process which involves light, medium or deep relaxation, concentration and a willingness to eliminate unwanted behaviours or habits. This method is non-invasive, gentle and a strong tool for improved development, self-control, positive mental attitude and personal self-growth.